22nd April 2021 - Mr Michael Hunter will present the history of the Belfast Academical Institute. This will be an intersting historic talk given from a past member of the shool.
27th May 2021 Mr Stephen Pollock is delighted to give us an update and overview on the forthcoming construction project for York Street Interchange. Thia is an opportunity to hear about the history of the design and the benefots that the project will bring to Belfast. Please do come along and join in the discussion after the talk.
We try to organise a speaker each month and some of our future talks will cover items such as PRONI and Archives, and on the topic of Climate Change Implications, We also have forthcoming events such as a golf day, Charity Auction, Charity Quiz and social activities. If you would like to get involved or volunteer to do a presentation please do come along or contact us.
Together, we see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change. If you have a project that you think we can assist with please do contact us. If you are a school or youth leader we would be delighted to discuss fund raising projects for your school or youth group.