Email -
Please do drop us an email if you would like to get further details from Rotary, Belfast West. We form part of Rotary District 1160. The current President will be delighted to discuss any future meetings or involvment in future projects. Projects are what makes Rotary relevant, and they can also be the perfect platform for new members to become invovled with. We are alwasy open to receive new ideas and new members.
Outside of Covid we meet at lunch time on a Thursday at the Belfast Boat Club at 1:00. Please meail us on the details above shoul dyou wish to attend so that we can welcome you upon arrival and provide you with further details.
Together, we see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change. If you have a project that you think we can assist with please do contact us. If you are a school or youth leader we would be delighted to discuss fund raising projects for your school or youth group.