Irish Post Offices & Postmarks
Lecarrow, County Roscommon
Leith Cheathramha
Leegarrow, Knockcroghery, Co Roscommon
Lecarrow / Knockcroghery SO single circle
Earliest known date - 28 JU 1908
Latest known date - 28 AU 1916
Postmark type - Circle, No Code at Top
Codes Known -
Leegarrow / Knockroghery / 22 JUN 1901 / Co.Roscommon
Earliest known date -
Latest known date -
Postmark type - Circle, date on one line
Codes Known -
Taken from James MacKay Sub Post Offices - Has anyone seen an example on cover?
Leith Cheatramha
Earliest known date - 27 AP 1931
Latest known date - Unknown
Postmark type - Circular, 27mm
Codes Known -
Leith Cheatramha
Earliest known date - 30 Jan 1940
Latest known date -
Postmark type - Circular, 31mm
Codes Known -
Knockcroghery RSO Co Roscommon
Earliest known date - 28JU1908
Latest known date -
Postmark type - Circular, time code at top
Codes Known -
In 2009 the Post Office was closed and was believed to have been closed at the end of the twentieth century. In 1836 Lewis Topography refers to the post office, and one is included in the 1837 historic map extract below. There is a post box built into the wall at Coffey's Pub in Lecarrow.
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